
Global Citizen Awards Finalist

Our Founder was chosen to be among Ten Finalist Globally 2019 by the Global Citizens Organization ,making the cut is no mean feat for our organization.The award from Global Citizen is usually open to individuals and organizations around the world committed to ending extreme poverty and its many causes and consequences.
As an Organization being selected to be among the Ten Globally came as a surprise and as our Founder Puts it “Every Opportunity Comes as Blessing in Disguise,Grab it,Learn It and Share It.”

Our Founder has been able to scale the Foundation’s programs through a number of support & Awards she has received especially:

1.The PAPA Project which entails production of reusable pads and Panties for the Pastoral Community Girls and Women and;

2. The Literacy Program-Building of Classes in Torbi,Marsabit :Aims to empower the entire community but majorly focus on girls and women in the rural villages. Apart from the formal education, the women benefit from various other training such sexual reproductive health and rights, menstrual health management and economic empowerment.

The voting process ended and we are waiting for the results and as an organization getting the Award,will be a life changing opportunity to the People of Northern Kenya, especially the community in Marsabit who have been impacted positively by this organization.

 Global Citizens  selecting us to be among the Finalist is a great honor. Winning the award will be a great blessing.

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